人走遍 18000 公里踩著滑板車,只是去紐柏格林

How far would you go to achieve your dreams? Say 18,000 km (11,184 miles)?

Lee hopped on his 110cc Honda SuperCub in South Korea, and traveled through Asia and half of Europe just so he could ride a a lap of the Nurburgring. Well, technically, he went around the famous circuit two times, once on his trusty 8 horsepower scooter, and once more as a passenger in a SEAT Leon Cupra.

According to Bridge to Gantry, Lee even did the sensible thing and waited for the end of the touristenfahrten session before venturing on the notorious track, so that he wouldn’t hinder those with more than eight horsepower at their disposal.

Regarding the road trip, it took Lee three months to reach his destination, and it wasn’t a smooth sailing experience either. It’s hard enough to complete such a feat in a car, not to mention a scooter with a 150-km (93 miles) range.

Thankfully, everything turned out ok in the end, but Lee’s adventure is not over, as he still wants to explore Europe with his scooter, and (probably) return home at some point. We don’t know exactly what he plans to do next, but you can follow him on Instagram to find out more.


고생 많았다 슈퍼커브야。이제는 평지만 달리자😘 #유럽 #swiss #유라시아 #슈퍼커브 #오토바이여행 #오토바이 #스위스 #스위스패스 #여행 #산

發表於 @jaeyeong_92 Sep 28 日 3:46 下午 PDT 在 2016年的一張照片

치타 숙소에서 사진정리중 인생샷 발견 !#오토바이여행 #바이크여행 #유라시아횡단 #세계여행 #바이크 #여행 #여행스타그램 #슈퍼커브 #러시아 #russia #chita #인생샷

文章引用源: www.carscoops.com/

2016 年 7 月 17 日在 6:18 下午 PDT 由 @jaeyeong_92 張貼的一張照片
